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Hands On Healing is a powerful holistic tool that cleanses, strengthens and increases your entire energy field. As the Healing energies interact through all levels of your being, you will find positive results, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Healing sessions with Caroline will transform your life and well-being in an empowering, balancing and harmonizing way. Caroline is a certified Usui Reiki Master, Teacher and Healer with the  International Association of Reiki Practitioners. Alongside Reiki, she has been a Spiritual Healer for almost 4 decades and acquired extensive training in London UK with the Healing Trust, formally National Federation of Spiritual Healers. She loves nothing more than seeing the profound changes her clients embody, as they receive the Healing sessions .

 Reiki & Spiritual Healing

Hands on Healing is a profound energetic healing tool that increases the entire energy field through all multi dimensional levels of your Being. The Healing energies activate the body's innate intelligence to bring about transformation and closer alignment to your True Self, creating well-being for body, mind and soul.

The deeply relaxing and peaceful energy initiates lasting change as it dissolves past issues that created imbalances and seeks to restore the connection to your True Self. During a session with Caroline she connects deeply to her higher self and her Spirit team, where a sense of empathy, compassion and intent combine to channel the gentle yet powerful flow of Divine healing energy.



Healing sessions with Caroline will boost your energies on all levels, dramatically reduce stress and tensions, lower pain and restore a greater balance that inspire you to usher in positive changes and regain the joy and zest for life.

Reiki and Spiritual Healing accelerates the healing process and can be highly effective in cases that do not respond to other forms of treatment. These include the following:

  • Relieves all stress related conditions going beyond symptoms to treat the root causes of disease. It complements and strengthens other healing systems including medical treatment.

  • Dramatically reduces stress and tension, promoting inner peace and deeper relaxation.

  • Releases emotional blockages.

  • Improves the memory and creativity.

  • Effective on chronic and acute illness or injury.

  • Reduces the pain and discomfort of illness.

  • Encourages personal growth and self development, speeding up these processes with conscious awareness heightened.

  • Enhances communication and learning abilities by balancing the integration of the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

  • Helps children in their individual growing processes especially with stress and learning difficulties.

  • Raises self esteem and self acceptance.

  • Helps overcome anxiety and fears.

  • Enable you to take responsibility for your own health and well being.

  • Animals and plants are very responsive and also benefit from Reiki and Spiritual Healing Energies

Healing sessions are available in person or remotely and generally a course of between 3 to 6 sessions is recommended depending on your individual needs.

For current costs and availability please use the form on the contact page. I look forward to being of service to you as you step into your True Power and renewed well-being.



 The healing I received from Caroline was great.  I have to say it’s the first time in months where my right leg has felt pain free and strong again!!!!!  Thank you so much.  It was a really wonderful session and I am  so grateful !  

Much love.  Annemarie,  Sarasota, Florida


I found Caroline when I was at a very low ebb, constantly suffering with colds and viruses and generally out of balance. Her healing hands and gentle encouragement have led to the happy, healthy and content place I am now in and I cannot thank her enough. I highly recommend Caroline and her magical healing hands.

Cathy R, Northampton, UK

I always look forward to my healing session with Caroline as I leave feeling a million times better mentally and physically. I can't recommend this amazing healing lady enough, I sleep so much better and enjoy clarity of mind too, that is helpful with many decisions I need to make daily.

Sue Law, Northamptonshire, UK

Caroline has been giving me healing sessions through some dark and difficult times. She is the most healing person I have ever met and has helped me find the love and light that is there within us all and which I do try to share with family and friends. I had so many comments on how much happier I look and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from me, I can honestly say Caroline's healing was the greatest part of the transformation in my life.

Maureen Pickford, Towcester, UK

I visited Caroline for healing after suffering for many years with migraines and blurred vision. After a few visits with her I felt the most relaxed I have ever felt. With her hands-on healing methods all my symptoms  disappeared and she was able to teach me relaxation techniques to use at home. Caroline's various meditation videos are very enlightening and soothing. Her most soothing voice creates a wonderful space for relaxation. they have helped me with my sleep and having a more positive outlook on life. I really loved going to her. If you can't visit her in person I highly recommend you listen to her loving videos.

Jan B, Sarasota, Florida

The healing light transmission that was channeled through Caroline  brought me to the most relaxing state that I have ever experienced, it was so beautiful. Also, the loving detailed messages that I have received from Caroline are beyond what I could have ever imagined. Caroline has my utmost respect for her knowledge, honesty, professionalism and compassion that she demonstrates in her profession and her friendships.

Lots of love  Irene , Sarasota ❤️

I was diagnosed in 2011 with Cervical Spondylitis. I was in a lot of pain in my neck and shoulders, also I could only lift my arms half way towards my shoulders as they were so stiff and painful. Before I saw Caroline most mornings I struggled to get out of bed as I was so stiff, I could not put my dressing gown on by myself. I could have cried it was so painful before having healing with Caroline. As well as the healing Caroline gave me neck and shoulder exercises to do that I could manage and breathing exercises to aid relaxation at home. I can honestly say I now feel ten times better for having the healing with Caroline, I almost jump out of bed with no or little pain. I can put my dressing gown on now and only occasionally feel a little stiff. My pain has reduced so much and I can also lift my arms above my head without any pain. I can thoroughly recommend Caroline to anyone with this painful, restricting condition.

Norma Whiting, Northampton, UK

 I truly love the healing  energy  Caroline channelled with Kuan Yin. I was glowing and my energy fields were filled with love and strength. The messages she also gave were so gentle and loving.  I am so grateful that thru Caroline, my sister Victoria's spirit came with a heartfelt message.  Thank you for all the love you give.

Camille DeLise, Sarasota 

Healing With Light Language
Light language is a highly evolved, ancient healing transmission. It transcends the mind connecting directly with the Heart to communicate with your Higher Self. The language of Light is a frequency  containing vast healing energies and information that will clear any dense or stagnant energies, from this or previous lifetimes that are not serving your highest path.  As you enjoy being bathed in the higher frequencies your innate self comes to the fore to empower you on your life path. You will feel more able to utilize your unique talents and gifts that your soul came here for, to further evolve and expand.
Caroline is a channel for Angelic and Galactic energies including other Benevolent Beings that are assisting humanity through planetary Ascension.
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